As a child of divorce growing up in the inner city of Milwaukee - I wasn’t supposed to be successful.
I was supposed to be a statistic; just another casualty of the highest incarceration rate for black males in America.
Robbed at gunpoint. Surrounded by violence. 1.6 GPA.
That WAS my story.
Until I decided to write a new one.
I decided to live with purpose. And you can too.
You can’t live a life fulfilled until you live a life with purpose.
It’s Time To Begin Your Pursuit Of Purpose
Every single person has a vision for what they want their life to be.
Some people will hustle, work hard, and make that vision a reality.
But, unfortunately, for the vast majority, that vision will remain what it is - an idea.
Fear. Comfort.
Fear paralyzes you. Comfort holds you hostage.
I was just like you once. My corporate job was providing me with a steady paycheck, benefits, and security. I had a vision but I was afraid. What if I failed? What if no one booked me to speak? What if we have a health crisis when I lose my insurance?
Fear was winning. Until I discovered what living with purpose can do.
I had more to offer the world and so do you.
It’s your time. Now’s your chance. What are you waiting for?
Ways I Can Help You
learn with me
Learn the skills you need to unleash your purpose, release your authentic self, and live an authentic life.
work with me
I’ll help you find alignment between purpose and profits as well as help you crush your goals.
book me
Looking for a dynamic speaker that can ignite a crowd and empower people to live purposeful lives? Look no further.